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Holiplants Protect 1L

Holiplants Protect 1L

Regular price CHF 77.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 77.00
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This is a broadband fungicide and pesticide.

First make sure the substrat is fully saturated to make sure the plant don't absorb the product by the leaf. Second place the plant in a shadow place within direct sunlight or turn off assimilation lamp.

For active pest problem and fungus attack use 15-20ml of product per liter every 2-3 days. Always try in one plant or in one leaf before to spray in the whole plant/crop. Make sure to spray under and above the leaf evenly. Repeat at least for 3 weeks.

For preventive use 5-10ml of product per liter once or twice a week. Always try in one plant or in one leaf before to spray in the whole plant/crop. Make sure to spray under and above the leaf evenly.

To use as a soil drench in case of fungus gnats or aphids root use 2-3ml per liter then if possible use water to clean the product the next day. Repeat at least 3 times.

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